Invisalign Orthodontist Hailey - Braces R Us

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Twin Falls

(208) 788-0126


(480) 668-8200


Invisalign Orthodontist Hailey

Invisalign Orthodontist Hailey

Date: April 12, 2015
Here at our office Invisalign is a great alternative to metal brackets for all types of bad bites. In fact our Dr.’s are confident with using Invisalign to treat all complex orthodontic problems like closing extraction spaces, severe deep bites, open bites, and early dentition bites for children at age 7. It may be hard to believe, however younger patients are our best cooperators with invisalign!

This appeals to many adults, especially people who wore traditional braces as children and then need more treatment later in life. Now we offer Invisalign teen which is an excellent alternative for the teen who doesn’t want the tin grin.

Invisalign & Clear Aligner Therapy (CAT)

Today, Invisalign is a household name and everyone knows what it is, but it wasn't always this way. The concept of incremental tooth movement is not new, and the inventor of Invisalign did not really invent anything. What he did do was see how technology could be...

Invisalign Retainers

Once we get the braces off or finish treatment with clear aligners and move to retainers, we tend to think that treatment is completed. This is not completely accurate. The active part of treatment where the teeth are being moved into place is done, but retention is...

Invisalign Touch-up

It is not uncommon for us as patients to get lazy with our retainer wear. Once we get lazy and start to move away from consistent retainer wear, it doesn't take long before we are never wearing our retainers. If the orthodontist has done their job and finished the...

Cross-Bites and Bite Ramps

Cross-bites are a common problem in young kids and if not corrected, they can cause real problems with facial growth and development, jaw joints, and oral function. Obviously, some cross-bites are more detrimental than others, but none of them are good. You may be...

Phase I or Limited Treatment

Many types of early treatment are labeled “Phase I” or may also be presented as a “Limited Treatment.” The purpose of a Phase I treatment plan or a limited treatment plan is to provide a problem focused treatment that is limited in scope and duration. This approach to...

Habit Appliances

There are a multitude of appliances that are designed to help break, control, or prevent habits that are detrimental to oral development and function. Appliances have been designed to encourage and support normal oral functional development from infancy through...

What do elastics do and why do I need to wear them?

Almost everyone gets to wear elastics at some point in their orthodontic treatment. Elastics are used for an extremely wide variety of reasons and they are one of the most versatile auxiliaries used in treatment. The main reason they are used is to adjust the bite....

Why do I get pokey wires and what should I do when I get one?

Pokey wires are not fun, and they seem to appear at the most inconvenient times. Although painful, they are usually not a true orthodontic emergency, and can be treated easily and quickly at home with a little orthodontic wax.Whenever a patient starts orthodontic...

What are traditional braces and what do they do?

One may ask “how did we get to where we are today?” when considering all the modern types and styles of braces. With all the advancements and changes that take place routinely in the field of orthodontics, braces have certainly changed over the past few years. There...